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About the teacher

foto portrait My name is Jeannette Grootendorst-Nijhuis and for my thesis I investigated the effects of stress on memory at the Rijksuniversity Leiden. During my work as medical manager in different companies, I was allowed to experience how my weekly yoga practise helped me to keep my head clear and my body relaxed in my sometimes hectic life. Also yoga postures, breathing excercises and meditations have helped and supported me during my pregnancy and delivery. Practising yoga also gave me consciousness of the miracle taking place in my body with growing belly. Throughout the years yoga has become a large part of my daily life, by practising yoga postures and having the yoga philosopy as a practical guide in life.

Eager to learn more on yoga I participated in several workshops with international yogateachers (a.o. Shiva Rea, Sarah Powers). These experiences triggered my to start the three year
Hatha yoga teacher training in 2014 (Fiore Osmose, 2017). Meanwhile I specialised myself in Kidsyoga (Jip & Jan academie, 2015), Deugdenyoga/ virtuesyoga (Dolfijn Wellness, 2016), Prenatalyoga (Fiore Osmose, 2016), and Do-In (Tao yoga, level 1, Do-In Academy, 2016). For the teacher trainings I followed stage classes for prenatal yoga, hatha yoga for 50+, and I gave private lessons. In 2017, I completed the teacher training for Mind-Walk® coach with Jaqueline Smeets.

Yoga has given me so much more than the need for movement for which I started taking yoga classes over 10 years ago.
Perhaps yoga is something for you. Come and try out to experience yourself what yoga moves in your life!

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